Wednesday, July 20, 2011

#68 Eat at Leeann Chin

I am not a huge fan of Asian cuisine. I attribute this mainly to my taste buds' need for blander food. However, I will have to say, I enjoyed my beef and broccoli, chicken egg roll, fried rice and fortune cookie quit a bit! Also, Gabriel and I ate our entire meal with chop sticks. 

Beef and broccoli and fried rice

Apparently I need to concentrate a lot when I eat.

Pretty good!

Gabriel eating sweet and sour chicken, sesame chicken and fried rice. 

All done.

Our fortunes. I am going to go ahead and say I got the better one (bottom ). 

#21 Go to the Tea Gardens again

I had not seen Amanda for far too long. Thus, we had a little date at the Tea Gardens!!

Raspberry lemon shake...yum!!!!


Monday, July 18, 2011

#79 Document myself being the minority in a group

#79 was the brilliant idea of Gabe and I. In the words of his brother everyone should experience being a minority at sometime in their life. I have experience this twice, Gabriel's grandma's and grandpa's birthday parties. However, I only have pictures from the most recent (since I started the list) party, his grandmother's. Each party was a new and different experience, and I loved them both!! The Jefferson family is wonderful!!!

After lunch during karaoke.

Me and my wonderful boyfriend :)

Family photo documentation of accomplishing #79!

Friday, July 15, 2011

#67 - Memorial Stadium

Last time I was in Lincoln with Gabe we drove by Memorial Stadium and decided we would go look around it the next time we were in Lincoln. Well, currently, we are in Lincoln, so we went to the stadium yesterday. It was great!! :) Gabe even bought me a Huskers t-shirt, now I feel like a true Nebrasken...even though I am just not.
Inside Memorial Stadium on the observation deck. 

Panorama view of the stadium...courtesy of Gabriel.

Gabriel and I 

Successful visit :)

Outside the stadium with my new shirt...

...and I couldn't be happier!!! 


#26 Zumba

I was a little scared going to my first Zumba class, but thank goodness Chari went with me so I was not alone. Needless to say...I LOVED it!!! The class is so much fun, and it is nice to get away from all Northwestern people for a bit too.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

101 Goals in 1001 Days

July 12, 2011 marks the beginning of my journey to accomplish 101 goals in 1001 days. This means i have until April 8, 2014 to accomplish each goal on this list. I still am working on getting up to 101 goals, so I will be adding more shortly. I am excited to get started!!! Here are my goals: 

1.    Get my passport.
2.    Go another country (this can include Canada!).
3.    Graduate from college with my Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing.
4.    Get a full-time job where I’m utilizing my Marketing degree.
5.    Do something that scares me.
6.    Read the Bible cover to cover.
7.    Begin reading and finish reading a novel in the same month.
8.    Read 5 business/marketing books.
9.    Watch a sunrise AND a sunset in the SAME day.
10.  Visit the East coast (Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, ect.)
11.  Get married. Not up to me at, totally in the control of God.
12.  Learn to skillfully decorate cupcakes/cakes
13.  Blog each item I check off my list.
14.  Donate all of the clothes and shoes that I haven’t worn in the past year.
15.  Get henna
16.  Go to an apple orchard and pick apples/strawberries/raspberries
17.  Buy someone else’s meal at a restaurant I am eating at.
18.  Create a personal spending record, budget, and savings plan.
19.  Take a train ride.
20.  Send a postcard home from each major city, state, or country I visit in the next 3 years.
21.  Go to the Tea Gardens again 
22.  Watch all 3 Anne of Green Gables movies.
23.  Watch 26 movies I haven’t seen starting with each letter A-Z.
24.  Host a party for all of those I love so dearly.
25.  Try a new recipe every other month and blog about the result of each one.
26.  Try going to Zumba classes
27.  Write a list of 101 things that I’m thankful for, that make me happy, or that I couldn’t imagine living my life without.
28.  Take a picture for all of my 101 in 1001 goals.
29.  Put $10 in savings for every completed item.
30.  Inspire someone else to make a 101 in 1001 list.
31.  Write a letter to the editor of a magazine that I feel convicted to write about.
32.  Do 30 min devotions every day for 40 days and hopefully continue on after that.
33.  Learn how to grill like a pro.
34.  Paint or draw something I would be proud to hang on my wall.
35.  Try one new hairstyle a month.
36.  Get a quilt made using all of my old event/team t shirts.
37.  Enter a writing contest and enter a photo contest.
38. Complete my internship at the MS Society 
39.  Go to another drive-in movie.
40.  Complete a sewing project
41.  Start to participate in Operation Beautiful. What a great idea!!
42.  Shop at a farmer’s market.
43.  Get a map and stick pins on all the places I have gone and where I want to go.
44.  Go on a picnic with the picnic basket my grandmother gave me.
45.  Go to an outdoor concert.
46.  Continue adding to my recipe collection adding more of my mom’s and grandma’s recipes.
47.  Make fleischkuekle for Gabriel and other friends along with other German food.
48.  Blog more often
49.  Do not miss a single home basketball game
50.  Jump off a bridge…a safe height…into water.
51.  Bring Gabriel back to Bismarck again
52.  Go to a Saint Paul Saints Game
53.  Go to the Midtown Global Market
54.  Walk along the Midtown Greenway
55.  Watch the Twin Cities River Cats or another waterskiing show
56.  Finally have a triple date: Gabriel, Jess, Aaron, Amanda, Pat, and Abbie
57.  Volunteer somewhere
58.  Shadow/informational interview 5-10 people throughout the course of this school year.
59.  Keep all my pictures organized and continue taking a lot during my final year of college!
60.  Go on a cruise
61.  Make a purchase where I only end up paying half of the price because of coupons – even less than half would be so sweet!!
62.  Finish reading the A.D. Chronicles & continue to read all of the Thoene’s other books
63.  Take a picture with Elly & Reese – the two precious girls I babysit.
64.  Do some weight training.
65.  Try making scones
66.  Cliff jumping at 15ft high (this will also qualify as doing something that scares me!).
67.  Visit the Huskers’ football stadium
68.  Eat at Leeann Chin
69.  Participate in Operation Christmas Child
70.  No pop for 6 months
71.  Buy reusable bags
72.  Make a cookbook including family recopies and my own
73.  Keep a jar for loose change
74.  Make a CD of Christian music for my grandma
75.  Take some sort of dance lesson…I would LOVE to be on Dancing with the Stars…not that that will ever happen!
76.  Re-read Authentic Human Sexuality by Balswich
77.  Re-read Relationships by Parrott
78.  Re-read Covenant Marriage by Chapman 
79. Document myself being the minority in a group 
80. Complete a diy home improvement project.
81. Support a good cause. 
82. Re-read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
83. Make changes to and re-print my team’s Advertising and Promotion’s book
84. Re-read Intimate Allies by Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman
85. Read Forgotten God by Francis Fan 
86. Purchase gifts from Samaritan's Purse