Wednesday, August 31, 2011

5. Do something that scares me

I am not extremely fond of heights. I am not extremely fond of the sensation of dropping in mid air. Tell me why I went to Noah's Ark?!?! Because I love my boyfriend and was up for the challenge!! Gabriel and I went down the Black Anaconda. I cannot tell you how scared I was. I thought I was going to pass out. I don't have pictures from inside of Noah's Ark, but I will post a picture from when we were getting ready to go.

80. Complete a diy home improvement project.

While neither of the projects I will share below have actually improve my person place of living, they have helped  others' homes. Gabriel wanted to make a desk since they are so expensive, and he will most likely only be using the desk for this year. Our first desk was definitely a practice round. It took us a while to find the wood he wanted and get it all purchased and cut. After his roommate saw our creation, he decided he wanted one too. We set our to make our second desk. The second one turned out a little better. The desk is more sturdy and Aaron added a shelf to it as well.

Gabe's desk

Aaron's desk

The nice bookcase he added

48. Blog more often

Well I am taking E-Commerce, and we are required to blog about the books and articles we read for class. Therefore, #48 of my 101 goals accomplished!

My class blog

Friday, August 12, 2011

52.Go to a Saint Paul Saints Game

After doing an informational interview with Derek Sharrer, Executive VP and General Manager, of the St. Paul Saints, I had been wanting to attend a game. Well, finally I did so. Baseball is not Gabriel's favorite sport. However, he graciously attended the game with me, a very excited me I might add. The game was fun for a while. Needless to say, much of my time where was spent either talking with Gabe or people watching...not actually paying attention to the game. Long story short, we were on the metal bleachers and decided to leave in the 6th inning. I'm glad we left early since we were both tired, but I'm glad I was able to go to a game!!
Saint Paul Saints - Midway Statium

No words. 

Gabriel and I at our 1st baseball game together! Hopefully I can get him to go to another one with me at some point. 

He was a little scared when I wouldn't look away. "A lot of eye contact!" 

63. Take a picture with Elly & Reese – the two precious girls I babysit.

I still would like to get a picture with the three of us or at least one with Elly yet too. We played on a playground last time I was over, and Elly, being such a wonderful big sister, pushed Reese on the swing almost the whole time we were swinging.

Hiding in the chairs!

Snack time

Playing on the playground 

Being a good big sister.

My camera gets a little blurry, but you get the idea. We had a lot of fun on the swings that day. :)