Monday, November 14, 2011

69. Participate in Operation Christmas Child

Growing up I loved participating in Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan's Purse with my family. Whenever the videos play in church of the children opening up their Christmas boxes, I tear up. Literally every single time! I wanted to put together a box this year, and Gabe thought it would be fun if we made boxes for two children together. It happened to be a little spender than we thought it would be, but I am so glad we have the means to give something to others. I know it is unlikely that we will get a letter back from either of the kids that receive our boxes, but I would LOVE getting a letter so much!

You should participate in OCC next year!

How to pack a box

Shopping away at Target

Getting everything ready to be packed

I got everything to fit :)  

86. Purchase gifts from Samaritan's Purse

I cannot tell you how long I have wanted to buy a goat for a family through Samaritan's Purse Christmas catalog. Today is the day. Gabriel and I jointly purchased a goat! I decided to buy a few other items for people as well such as clean drinking water and emergency life-saving food. It is nice to be able to bless others through the blessings God has bestowed on me. 

There are just so many good and needed gifts that it was very hard to choose the ones I  decided to buy. 

Sheet filled out, check written, and envelope ready to be sent!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

84. Re-read Intimate Allies by Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman

During my sophomore year of college, I took a class called Relationships. In that class, we read Intimate Allies by Allender and Longman. This book was excellent, but I must admit I just skim some of the chapters the first time around. Therefore, I wanted to read it again, making sure to pay full attention to all the wonderful advice this book has to offer. While the book is geared toward married couples, it is still insightful to learn from the wisdom of those who have already lived and worked through so many experiences. I found myself underlining a lot while I was reading, and I kept telling myself that I need to read this book again every year, especially after I, Lord willing, get married. Below I will list some of the quotes I found to be meaningful and thought provoking throughout the book.

  • "Marriage is a paradigm of God's pursuit, passion, and purpose in creating and redeeming His people."
  • "To view our spouses from the lens of glory is to be overwhelmed by the privilege of being face-to-face with a creature who mirrors God."
  • "Men and women are to rule in order to serve, and we serve through sacrifice."
  • "Christians who are married should have a vision for a life of ministry together."
  • "A Christian marriage should be the framework for a bold movement to bring God's beauty and salvation to a dark world of chaos."
  • "We are most resistant to trusting God with our money and time because both expose our deepest vulnerabilities and our core inability to manage our lives as we desire."
  • "After our relationship to God, our marriage relationship must command our deepest commitment."
Read this book and be blessed and challenged. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

40. Complete a sewing project

I discovered Pinterest and found a blog showing people how to make these scarfs. Since I wanted to complete a  sewing project and I LOVED these scarfs, I was clearly going to make them! :) Despite a little trouble starting to sew again after I wound up more bobbin, I think they turned out really nice.
Cutting out the rectangles

Moving on to the next t-shirt

The finished product!! :) 

Black and grey one 

All done

Friday, October 7, 2011

57. Volunteer somewhere

Starting two weeks ago, I became an office volunteer at the Presbyterian Homes Corporate Offices on Wednesday afternoons. I will be working with marketing, HR, and other general office support.

Name card :) 

81. Support a good cause

I like yogurt. This month, and I believe for the next few months, Yoplait is partnering with the Susan G Komen for the Cure and donating 10 cents for each lid they receive up to $2 million. There is currently a pile of lids on my bookshelf, and I will be sending them in shortly! 

38. Complete my internship at the MS Society

As of September 16th, I completed my internship with the National MS Society, Minnesota Chapter. During my time at the Chapter, I served as the Public Relations Intern. My duties included writing press releases, drafting media lists, completing projects for the Marketing Department, and website content management towards the end. While my internship is over, I am still volunteering at the MS Society. Currently, I am working on different web projects for the Marketing Department. After these projects wrapped up, I hope to still volunteer my time and skills to general office tasks such as mailings for the different Society events.

Today, as I was reading the Chronicle of Philanthropy, I came across an article noting that of 150 big charities, the National MS Society as a whole has been able to the most money, by a significant amount, via social media. This was an interesting fact for me to learn about since I was able to directly see how social media is used at the local chapter for fundraising purposes.

My cube

Picture in the Chronicle of Philanthropy by the article regarding the National MS Society
My name tag

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

77. Re-read Relationships by Parrott

I read this book for my Relationships class, and I wanted to re-read it.

73. Keep a jar for loose change

I am keeping a jar of loose change. Perfect. 

14. Donate all of the clothes and shoes that I haven’t worn in the past year.

If I haven't worn clothes for a while, I probably won't be wearing them anytime soon. So, why shouldn't I donate them?!

In the process I even inspired my mom to donate some of her old clothes too. :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

5. Do something that scares me

I am not extremely fond of heights. I am not extremely fond of the sensation of dropping in mid air. Tell me why I went to Noah's Ark?!?! Because I love my boyfriend and was up for the challenge!! Gabriel and I went down the Black Anaconda. I cannot tell you how scared I was. I thought I was going to pass out. I don't have pictures from inside of Noah's Ark, but I will post a picture from when we were getting ready to go.

80. Complete a diy home improvement project.

While neither of the projects I will share below have actually improve my person place of living, they have helped  others' homes. Gabriel wanted to make a desk since they are so expensive, and he will most likely only be using the desk for this year. Our first desk was definitely a practice round. It took us a while to find the wood he wanted and get it all purchased and cut. After his roommate saw our creation, he decided he wanted one too. We set our to make our second desk. The second one turned out a little better. The desk is more sturdy and Aaron added a shelf to it as well.

Gabe's desk

Aaron's desk

The nice bookcase he added

48. Blog more often

Well I am taking E-Commerce, and we are required to blog about the books and articles we read for class. Therefore, #48 of my 101 goals accomplished!

My class blog

Friday, August 12, 2011

52.Go to a Saint Paul Saints Game

After doing an informational interview with Derek Sharrer, Executive VP and General Manager, of the St. Paul Saints, I had been wanting to attend a game. Well, finally I did so. Baseball is not Gabriel's favorite sport. However, he graciously attended the game with me, a very excited me I might add. The game was fun for a while. Needless to say, much of my time where was spent either talking with Gabe or people watching...not actually paying attention to the game. Long story short, we were on the metal bleachers and decided to leave in the 6th inning. I'm glad we left early since we were both tired, but I'm glad I was able to go to a game!!
Saint Paul Saints - Midway Statium

No words. 

Gabriel and I at our 1st baseball game together! Hopefully I can get him to go to another one with me at some point. 

He was a little scared when I wouldn't look away. "A lot of eye contact!" 

63. Take a picture with Elly & Reese – the two precious girls I babysit.

I still would like to get a picture with the three of us or at least one with Elly yet too. We played on a playground last time I was over, and Elly, being such a wonderful big sister, pushed Reese on the swing almost the whole time we were swinging.

Hiding in the chairs!

Snack time

Playing on the playground 

Being a good big sister.

My camera gets a little blurry, but you get the idea. We had a lot of fun on the swings that day. :) 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

#68 Eat at Leeann Chin

I am not a huge fan of Asian cuisine. I attribute this mainly to my taste buds' need for blander food. However, I will have to say, I enjoyed my beef and broccoli, chicken egg roll, fried rice and fortune cookie quit a bit! Also, Gabriel and I ate our entire meal with chop sticks. 

Beef and broccoli and fried rice

Apparently I need to concentrate a lot when I eat.

Pretty good!

Gabriel eating sweet and sour chicken, sesame chicken and fried rice. 

All done.

Our fortunes. I am going to go ahead and say I got the better one (bottom ).